Welcome to the website of the Madrid Association of Regional Science (AMCR). This page aims to be a meeting point, and a contact site with members of the Association and those other people interested in the rigorous analysis of the issues related to the territory from the various professional and scientific fields. The Association wants to accommodate both the theoretical viewpoints and the most applied visions, and business practices.
The multidisciplinary nature, the diversity of interests and the active participation of partners are characteristic features of the Association and they have a special value that corresponds to all of us sustain . In this regard, the Board is confident that you are an active part of the Association, we hope to share your questions, suggestions, proposals, projects and initiatives specially those that you feel may be of common interest and can be carried out within the framework of the Madrid Association of Regional Science.
We want to stay participatory in order to foster discussion and dialogue on issues relating to Madrid and thereby contribute to economic and social progress.
Thank you for your attention and cooperation
Raúl Mínguez Fuentes
President of Madrid Association of Regional Science (AMCR)